Accelerate report delivery and enhance visibility with timely access to critical metrics, ensuring ROI and driving operational excellence.


Internal and External automated Reporting

Visibility and availability of your reports in a timely manner.

AI Driven Engagement Analysis and Reporting

Data and AI based model for automatic engagement assessment, analysis and reporting


Internal and External automated Reporting

Unlock timely and accurate insights across all key metrics, ensuring smooth operations and maximum ROI

What is it?

All key metrics are delivered promptly, accurately, and efficiently. This includes report uptime, adherence to best practices, keeing up with requests, high-level metrics, ROI on report adoption, visibility and achievement of key results from operations and executive teams, absence management and contractual renewals.

If you're in a BPO or contact center and responsible for data and AI availability across operations, you will understand the challenge of managing numerous data sources and varying metric calculations. There is also the complexity of reporting to operations owners and providing clean, real-time data while managing teams to innovate within budget constraints.

Who is it for?


Increased Profit

Implementing efficient processes, improving productivity, and maximizing revenue streams contribute to increased profitability.

Higher Retention of Existing Contracts

Providing excellent service, meeting client expectations, and building strong relationships result in higher client retention rates and recurring business.

Achieving Key Metrics

Setting and meeting specific performance indicators demonstrate effectiveness and success in various areas of operation.

Greater Adherence to Service Level and Key Metrics

Consistently meeting or exceeding service level agreements (SLAs) and key performance indicators (KPIs) ensures quality service delivery and operational excellence.

SLA compliance

Adhering to SLAs demonstrates reliability, professionalism, and commitment to meeting client expectations and contractual obligations.

Retention of Staff by Saving Time and Money

Streamlining processes, reducing manual workload, and implementing efficient systems contribute to job satisfaction and retention of employees by improving work-life balance and job satisfaction.

Systemized processes

Establishing standardized and efficient workflows improves productivity, reduces errors, and ensures consistency in operations, leading to better overall performance and outcomes.

Current Market Challenges

Low % of engagements that are actually assessed

Manual processes and limited resources result in a low percentage of engagements being assessed and low volumes and quality of data produced, impacting the ability to monitor and improve service quality effectively.

Lack of capacity

Insufficient resources, including staffing and infrastructure, lead to a lack of capacity to handle workload demands efficiently, resulting in delays and bottlenecks in operations.

Low customer experience or visibility of where to improve

Inadequate tools or processes for gathering and analyzing customer feedback result in a limited understanding of customer needs and preferences, hindering efforts to enhance the overall customer experience.

Less SLA achievement

Inability to meet service level agreements (SLAs) due to operational inefficiencies, resource constraints, or inadequate processes impacts client satisfaction and can lead to penalties or contract disputes.

AI driven analysis

Revolutionizing call assessments with a cutting-edge AI model, now at your fingertips through our user-friendly web application, empowering Operations with seamless contact evaluations and continuous improvement.

What is it?

A data and software-based model for automatic call and text based assessments. Available through a web browser, and integrating seamlessly with your core applications.

AI that aligns to your engagement assessment models, allowing your contact center to create and monitor data that matters to you.

Simple calibrations to enable your QA and CX team leads to rate calls according to agreed standards.

Who is it for?


  • Time and Cost Saving

    Implementing AI solutions and streamlining processes result in time and cost savings by automating repetitive tasks and optimizing operational efficiency.​

  • Leverage AI to dramatically improve operations

    Utilizing AI technologies enhances decision-making processes, increases productivity, and drives operational excellence across various functions.​

  • Staff Retention

    Creating a positive work environment, providing opportunities for growth, and leveraging technology to streamline workflows contribute to higher staff retention rates and employee satisfaction.

  • High Coverage on Customer Engagements

    Achieving over 90% coverage on quality call assessments allows organizations to reallocate resources to more strategic tasks, leading to improved customer experience and operational effectiveness.

  • Better Customer Service

    By leveraging AI and optimizing operations, organizations can enhance the customer experience, leading to better customer success metrics such as retention, satisfaction, and loyalty.

Why work with Tentpole Data Sciences?


Our services are consumed from South Africa to United Kingdom, and from San Francisco to Singapore.​


We have a variety of different commercial models which allow you the ability to build, run, own or consume the services for your business.​


Spanning Sales, Marketing, Finance,  Operations, Vendor Management and more.​


Tentpole is an accredited BEE level 1 business.


Fully compliant with international  governance standards.​


Proficient in a wide range of technologies and platforms allowing Tentpole to use what you already have incurring no additional investment.​

Get Started! Contact Us!

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